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Rent Now,Pay Later!

Rent property for a year in Saudi Arabia now, pay later in easy monthly payments

Rent any property with flexible monthly payments

img1Annual contracts
img2Lowest premiums
img3Easy processing

Rent Calculator

Discover your ideal rent with our advanced calculation tool for personalized budgeting and financial optimization


What you pay through Rize

9000 SAR

Monthly Payment

Disclaimer: The final monthly instalment may change subject to the no. of payments to the landlord.

Eligibility criteria
To be eligible for this service, you must have the appropriate financial conditions that are commensurate with the rental value and several indicators are considered during the approval process, including:
  • The applicant must be working
  • The rent amount must be proportional to the monthly income
  • The applicant's age must not exceed sixty years
  • Check credit history
How to Apply
How to apply for the "Rent now and pay later" service
Fill out the form
Fill out the Rize form to begin the journey
Wait for our contact
Rize will contact you to complete the remaining requirements.
Register in the Rize application
Complete the application through the Rise application
Receive the key
Document the lease contract and receive your key
Share your details
To get callback from Rize

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, to add the monthly payment while the landlord receives the full rental value in one payment. Rize adds to the rental value from 8% to 17% depending on various factors including credit history, other monthly obligations, and the property owner’s payment methods.

Rize allows units to be rented through standard lease contracts only for residential and commercial contracts.

At Rize, we review your profile to ensure it is compatible with unit owners. We evaluate the percentage of monthly obligations and your credit history and make sure that your obligations towards rent and other expenses are appropriate. This process allows us to make a comprehensive and quick assessment to calculate the ideal amount of rent that you can obtain.

Yes, it appears as part of the monthly obligations in the customer’s credit record

Yes, Rize operates on a leasing business model. We are not a financing company and our business system is fully compliant with Islamic Sharia principles.

- Customer service number : 0555931434
- Social media channels